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Transform Adult Social Care with CareScribeAI

CareScribeAI reduces the administrative burden on social care workers, allowing them to dedicate more time to citizen-centric care and outcomes. This powerful tool was specifically created to help adult social services allocate more time to providing quality care, rather than being bogged down by paperwork and administrative duties.


High-Quality Care

Enables social care workers to focus on providing care


ISO Verified

Guarantees data privacy and security with our UK-based storage


Simplified Processes

Streamlines adult social care, reducing the administrative pressure on council staff

Our Impact

Reducing Waiting Lists in Adult Social Care with a Mindfully Designed GenAI Solution

Citizens face up to 5 months of waiting for social care assessments due to a backlog of over 430,000 requests. Developed with real-world needs in mind, CareScribeAI delivers measurable results that make a significant and positive difference.

Hours of admin converted into minutes

Save significant time for both citizens and council staff by streamlining the process.

Enable social workers to do what they do best - provide care

CareScribeAI helps optimize resource allocation.

Reduce Backlogs

The tool can significantly reduce the 430,000-strong waiting list for assessments, care packages, or reviews as of March 2023.

Effortless Citizen Engagement

Supporting Local Communities

At CareScribeAI, we're all about making a real difference in public service. We’re here to tackle those long-standing challenges, like reducing backlogs and cutting down delays, so you can see better outcomes for everyone involved. With the power of AI, CareScribeAI helps give precious time back to social care workers, allowing you to focus on what you do best - caring for those who need it most.


From Our Clients

These voices echo the confidence and satisfaction of clients who have witnessed the positive outcomes of our solutions.

Game Changer Technology!

“Agilisys Transform's GenAI productivity platform 'QuickAction' has been a game-changer for our secretariat team, enabling us to streamline our processes, improve our outputs, and free up time for more value-added work."

Sue Symington
Chair at Humber & North Yorkshire ICB
Great Customer Support!

“QuickAction is an important part of our journey to fully embracing the power of GenAI, and we’re excited for the road ahead with Agilisys as we expand to further teams and use cases.”

Alison McKenzie-Folan
Chief Executive at Wigan Council

Support Social workers and Citizens

Managing all adult social care needs assessments by hand can be a heavy burden for a service that’s already stretched thin. That’s where CareScribeAI comes in. Using GenAI, we’re here to make your work smoother, helping you simplify your processes and achieve results that might have once seemed out of reach.

Meaningful Conversations

Enable richer conversations with clarity and focus

Dedicate more time to care

Redirect administrative hours to resident care

Stronger Engagement

Spend more quality time with citizens


Ready to enhance your connection with citizens using CareScribeAI?

Get in touch with us today to learn more or to book a demo. Discover how CareScribeAI can make a meaningful impact on the community.

For inquiries, contact us at or send us a message here.

Frequently Asked Questions

CareScribeAI Knowledge Hub


Agilisys prioritizes data security. CareScribeAI adheres to strict data privacy regulations and ensures that user data is securely stored.

CareScribeAI is designed for seamless integration with existing needs assessment forms and case management systems. Agilisys offers technical support to ensure a smooth transition. Minimal technical changes are typically required.

CareScribeAI utilises AI to support professionals, not replace them. It analyses large amounts of data to suggest and provide best-practice observations for self-supported assessments. These suggestions are based on evidence and can be tailored to fit the individual’s needs, ensuring accuracy even in complex situations.

AI automates administrative tasks, gathers relevant data from needs assessment interviews, and suggests and fills out appropriate segments within the form. This frees up professionals’ time to focus on personalized assessments and building relationships with citizens.

No, CareScribeAI is not meant to replace professionals. It is a collaborative tool that empowers professionals with insights and automates repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on the human aspects of the needs assessment.

o Improved efficiency: Automates tasks and streamlines workflows. o Enhanced accuracy: Provides data-driven recommendations for needs assessment forms. o Personalized care: Frees up time for professionals to focus on individual needs.

CareScribeAI is currently in a pilot phase with a limited number of local authorities. For a wider rollout timeframe, please contact us.

For inquiries about joining the pilot program, please contact us at