
In the realm of public sector transparency and data protection, the efficient handling of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and Subject Access Requests (SARs) is crucial. With the rising volume of requests, local councils and NHS organizations are increasingly burdened by the meticulous task of redacting sensitive information from lengthy documents. In this article, we explore how Agilisys’ innovative tool, leveraging Generative AI (GenAI), is set to revolutionize the redaction process, supporting subject matter experts and information governance officers in managing these demands more efficiently.

Understanding FOI and SARs

Freedom of Information (FOI) requests allow citizens to access information held by public authorities, promoting transparency and accountability. Subject Access Requests (SARs), on the other hand, enable individuals to obtain personal data held about them by an organization, ensuring their rights under data protection laws such as the GDPR are upheld.

Both FOI and SARs require thorough examination and careful redaction of sensitive information to protect privacy and comply with legal requirements. This process is often time-consuming and labour-intensive, placing a significant burden on public sector entities.

The Challenge of Redactions

Redacting sensitive information involves identifying and obscuring data that is exempt from disclosure, such as personal details, confidential business information, and national security-related content. The complexity of this task increases with the length and intricacy of the documents involved. Errors in redaction can lead to unintentional data breaches, legal repercussions, and erosion of public trust.

Agilisys’ GenAI-Powered Redaction Tool

To address these challenges, Agilisys has developed a state-of-the-art redaction tool powered by Generative AI. This tool is designed to assist subject matter experts and information governance officers in local councils and NHS organizations by automating the redaction process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

Key Features of the Agilisys Redaction Tool:

  1. Automated Redaction: The GenAI tool scans documents to identify and redact sensitive information automatically. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, it can recognize various types of sensitive data, ensuring comprehensive redaction.
  2. Customizable Redaction Rules: Users can define and customize redaction rules to suit specific regulatory requirements and organizational policies. This flexibility ensures that the tool can adapt to different contexts and types of documents.
  3. Contextual Understanding: The tool’s advanced AI capabilities enable it to understand the context of the information, reducing the likelihood of over-redaction or under-redaction. It can differentiate between similar terms and identify nuanced instances of sensitive information.
  4. Audit Trail: The tool maintains a detailed audit trail of all redactions made, providing transparency and accountability. This feature is particularly useful for compliance purposes and for addressing any disputes or reviews.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: Designed with the end-user in mind, the tool offers an intuitive interface that allows information governance officers to review and approve redactions efficiently. This user-centric design ensures that even those with limited technical expertise can utilize the tool effectively.

Benefits for Local Councils and NHS Organizations

1. Enhanced Efficiency: By automating the redaction process, the Agilisys tool significantly reduces the time and effort required to handle FOI and SAR requests. This allows public sector employees to focus on more value-added tasks, improving overall productivity.

2. Improved Accuracy: The tool’s AI-driven capabilities minimize the risk of human error, ensuring that sensitive information is accurately identified and redacted. This helps prevent data breaches and ensures compliance with legal requirements.

3. Cost Savings: With increased efficiency and reduced manual labour, the tool can lead to substantial cost savings for public sector organizations. These savings can be redirected towards other critical services and initiatives.

4. Enhanced Compliance: The tool’s comprehensive redaction capabilities and audit trail features support compliance with data protection regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and penalties.

5. Increased Public Trust: By ensuring that sensitive information is handled with care and precision, the tool helps maintain and enhance public trust in local councils and NHS organizations. Transparent and accurate responses to FOI and SAR requests reinforce the commitment to accountability and privacy.


Agilisys’ GenAI-powered redaction tool is set to transform how local councils and NHS organizations handle the growing demands of FOI and SAR requests. By automating the redaction process, the tool not only enhances efficiency and accuracy but also supports compliance and builds public trust. As public sector entities continue to navigate the complexities of transparency and data protection, innovative solutions like the Agilisys redaction tool will be invaluable allies in achieving these goals.

For more information on how our tool can support your organization, contact us at Together, we can pave the way for a more efficient, transparent, and trustworthy future.

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